Chair Notes

March 23 2015 Chairmans Notes

Posoh Nec-Omaeqnomenewak, greetings my Fellow Menominee. As this is my very first Chair’s notes, let me first start out with a few general observations and comments. First, as much as some may criticize our tribal government and organizational structure, I wish those people could see the organization on a daily basis and the real commitment of our tribal government workers. They have impressed me already and I have much respect for what they do for us. Second, I want to thank the past MTL executive team of former Chairperson Laurie Boivin, Vice-Chair Crystal Chapman-Chevalier and Secretary Joan Delabreau. The effort they put in to institutionalize the efficiency, accountability and transparency of our government should not go without thanks. The start to the 2015 MTL legislative year began on February 9 with reorganization. Since then, we have had several larger events filling our calendar, namely the Governor’s non-concurrence with our Kenosha Casino, continuing to strategize our “post non-concurrence”options accordingly, our March to Madison, and the State of the Tribes Address. We also have worked on smaller but nonetheless just as important events, such as our ongoing tribal jail compliance visits, UW-Wisconsin –Tribal Nations Summit, and researching several revenue generating proposals, one of which we have all heard of, the industrial hemp and cannabis studies. Several of the events of note include: Feb 10-Held joint press conferences with Hard Rock and state legislators in Milwaukee and Madison regarding the additional offer of assisting the State in financing the Bucks Arena. This is in addition to our compact terms and the bond we offered. The Gov missed out on a great deal for us and Wisconsin. Feb 13-Worked with our tribe to send off our tribal members on our “March to Madison.” While there are too many to list, a special thanks to our tribal administration, who did wonders behind the scenes in organizing the entire walk. It was awesome to see our hearts come together for our community. You should all be proud, other tribes stand in awe of our love for each other in tough times. It was an honor to speak for us as we began the journey to Madison. Feb14-18-Went to both join the march (walked about 12 miles total) and provide emotional and financial support to our marchers on most days, but also had to come back at night to do work on Kenosha Project and tribal administration in the mornings. Particularly, on Feb 17th, went to Kenosha to attempt to meet to discuss our Kenosha compact with Governor after he spoke at a small tool shop relocation event. He knew of my request but he went out a side door instead. Feb 18-Spoke at our “March to Madison Rally” in the State Capital. The intent was to emphasize the importance of the need for the Governor to meet with Menominee leadership regarding Kenosha, but of course, the Governor refused to meet again. Not sure if or when he left, but three capital police denied me access to his office wing area and said he was not around. I am still receiving comments on the strength and resolve of the great Menominee Nation. Waewaenen to all for prayers, posts, food, help and everything else that went into this beautiful effort. It should be mentioned, MTL is still strategizing on other gaming options in SE Wisconsin and Illinois, as well as legal options available. That said, any options decided must not draw on tribal reserves. Feb26-28-Attended the Tribal Marijuana Conference in Tulalip, Washington. In order to improve the quality of life for the Menominee Tribe and its 9,000 members, the MTL is exploring all opportunities to diversify the Tribe’s economy, create jobs, and provide revenue to the Tribe necessary to fund health, education, social, law enforcement AODA and other important services. One of the opportunities currently under review relates to the potential legalization of marijuana and industrial hemp on the Menominee Reservation. Remember, until such time as the MTL may choose to change the law on the Menominee Reservation, growing marijuana, as well as possession and distribution remain illegal under tribal law and both tribal and federal officers and prosecutors will enforce these laws. For further information regarding this issue, please look for a related article in this edition. Mar 4-5-Attended the Great Lakes InterTribal Commission (GLITC) meeting and State of the Tribes Address in Madison. Chairman McGeshik of Sakaogon (Mole Lake) gave the address. During the GLITC meeting, WI legislators and agency heads reported to the tribal chairs and answered questions. We believe we made progress towards new legislation regarding helping our tribal colleges and several sovereignty issues, such as recognizing our tribal IDs just like state driver’s licenses. We’ll see. Mar 12-13-Attended the UW Madison-Tribal Nations Summit. This was the UW’s attempt to revive the “Wisconsin Idea,” which means their attempt to extend UW service to all of Wisconsin’s citizens. In this instance, they met specifically to understand tribal environmental and health needs and offer assistance. The significance of now is that 101 years ago, the UW met with the Wisconsin tribal leaders to offer technical and research assistance to the tribes in the same areas of health and environment. This was a 100 year anniversary. In times of diminishing budgets, we believe we can work for specific agreements with them that can help us. The chairs office is a busy place. It deals with daily ongoing issues such as the synthetic marijuana problem, individual housing concerns, various complaints, state and federal meetings and consultations, graduations, grand opening celebrations, attorney meetings, staff meetings, the list goes on. Excuse me if I can’t meet with you when you want. Some meetings we can’t break, but my door is open. In closing, let me say I am humbled to serve you. There are many challenges ahead of us. We are tackling issues, both good and bad, as fast as we can. While these notes mostly explain where I’ve been, I will also want to explain MTL efforts as well in future notes. Most MTL Committees have been assigned and are up and running, so stop by, they’re open meetings. We have a good MTL team and administration, and I am confident we can focus on taking advantage of our strengths and opportunities. So hug up your family, check on our sick and elderly, pray for our soldiers, and stay off the ice. Chairman Besaw

Gary Besaw


Date: 3/23/2015