Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
PATRICIA HESSE Senior Background Investigator Years of Service: 28 year(s)
LYNNETTE MILLER Executive Director - Gaming Years of Service: 31 year(s)
ROBERT PENASS Senior Compliance Enforcement Officer Years of Service: 0 year(s)
ROSE PONFIL-SHIELDS Background Investigator Specialist Years of Service: 22 year(s)
LISA SWINEY Internal Auditor Gaming Years of Service: 28 year(s)
WADE WAUPEKENAY Staff Auditor Gaming Years of Service: 9 year(s)
Physical Address:
W2908 Tribal Office Loop Road
Keshena, WI 54135
Mailing Address:
PO Box 910
Title: Executive Director
Name: Lynette Miller
Tel: (715) 799-5610