Strategic Planning

In 2003 the Legislature set out to create a strategic plan for the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, enlisting the help of the College of the Menominee Nation to develop the basic framework upon which a strategic plan would rest. Unlike department specific or issue specific plans, which often only address the short-term and narrowly focused topics, the strategic plan was intended to address the Tribe as a whole and set a unified direction for all of its various units of government. Financial assistance to complete this comprehensive planning effort was made possible by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Native Americans through a 3-year grant, and overall planning logistics were carried out by the Tribe's Department of Administration.

Development of the strategic plan began in earnest in the fall of 2004, and concluded in the fall of 2007. The 153-page document that was produced represents the culmination of over 5,400 planning hours and over three year's worth of hard work performed by the Tribe's administrators, directors, and program managers, countless community members, and a four-year old dream of the Legislature that is now fully realized.


Cultural Strategic Plan Successes


2005 Community Needs Survey
2007 - MITW Strategic Plan
2023 Goals-Objectives Progress to Date
2023 - Strategic Planning Training Report
2023 - Workgroup Evaluation Report
Admin Retreat Report
2023 - Director's Retreat Report
2023 - MTL Retreat Report
2023 - MTL Retreat 2 Report
Strategic Planning Definitions
Community Meeting Report 07/31/2023
2024 - Director's Retreat Report
2024 - MTL Retreat Report

Culture Economic Education
  • Culture Comparative Survey Data
  • Culture Goals-Objectives
  • Culture SWOT Analysis
  • Culture Work Group Notes
  • Culture Survey
  • Economic Comparative Survey Data
  • Economic Goals-Objectives
  • Economic SWOT Analysis
  • Economic Work Group Notes
  • Economic Survey
  • Education Comparative Survey Data
  • Education Goals-Objectives
  • Education SWOT Analysis
  • Education Work Group Notes
  • Education Survey
  • Health Justice Natural Resources
  • Health Comparative Survey Data
  • Health Goals-Objectives
  • Health SWOT Analysis
  • Health Work Group Notes
  • Health Survey
  • Justice Comparative Survey Data
  • Justice Goals-Objectives
  • Justice SWOT Analysis
  • Justice Work Group Notes
  • Justice Survey
  • Natural Resources Comparative Survey Data
  • Natural Resources Goals-Objectives
  • Natural Resources SWOT Analysis
  • Natural Resources Work Group Notes
  • Natural Resources Survey
  • Social Other Survey Data
  • Social Comparative Survey Data
  • Social Goals-Objectives
  • Social SWOT Analysis
  • Social Work Group Notes
  • Social Survey
  • Quality of Life
  • Tribal Government
  • Communication
  • Demographics
  • 2023 SP Community Feedback


    NEW! - 2023 Strategic Plan

    1. Opening Pages
    2. Executive Summary
    3. Strategic Planning
    4. Menominee History
    5. Post Planning
    6. Culture
    7. Economic Development
    8. Education
    9. Health
    10. Justice
    11. Natural Resources
    12. Social
    13. Appendices