• Collapse
    • Administration
    • Aging
    • Agriculture and Food Systems
    • Chairmans Office
    • Child Support
    • Clinic
    • Communications
    • Community Development
    • Community Resource Center
    • Conservation
    • Dept of Advocacy and Support
    • Eagles Nest
    • Early Childhood Services
    • Education
    • Elections
    • Emergency Management
    • Environmental Services
    • Family Services
    • Finance
    • Food Distribution
    • Gaming Commission
    • Historic Preservation
    • Housing
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology
    • Internal Audit
    • Land Management
    • Language and Culture
    • Legal Services
    • Lending and Tribal Taxes
    • Maehnowesekiyah
    • Maintenance
    • Member Services
    • Oskeh-Waepeqtah DV/SA Program
    • Probation
    • Prosecutor
    • Public Defender
    • Transportation
    • Tribal Courts
    • Tribal Jail
    • Tribal Police
    • Tribal School
    • Tribal Utilities
    • Youth Services

Physical Address:
W2908 Tribal Office Loop Road
Keshena, WI 54135

Mailing Address:
PO Box 910
Keshena, WI 54135

Title: Chairwoman

Name: Gena Kakkak

Tel: (715) 799-5114

Fax: (715) 799-3373
Chairman's Office

The Chairman’s Office is the face of the Tribal Legislature and serves as the liaison between the Menominee People and Tribal Government. The Chairman’s Office is responsible for maintaining the Tribe’s relationships with other Tribal Governments, as well as Local, State, and Federal governments. Our mission is to serve and provide direct support to the Tribal Legislature, Legislative Committees, Commissions, Taskforces, and the Menominee membership.

See Chairman's Notes
Chairman's Office Donations - Pay Online

The Chairman’s Office functions as the hub of communication between the Tribe’s government, to include the Executive and Legislative branches with the following partners:

1. Internally, to facilitate communication to our membership, governmental agencies, and other Tribal entities such as the College of Menominee Nation and Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE); and

2. Externally, between our Tribal Government and people to the United States Government (Executive and Legislative branches), State of Wisconsin (Executive and Legislative Branches), Other Tribes, and Local, County, and Municipal governments, and agencies.


View Document 
MTL Kenosha Gaming Authority-Time on Task
MITW General Complaint Policy and Form
Menominee Conservation Commission application
2023 Notaries
Amendment to Tribal Constitution Questions and Answers
MTL Time on Task.Updated 07/11/23
2024 Generic Resolution
Request to View Tribal Records
2024 Pow-Wow Vendor Contract
Committee application interest
Flag and Great Seal Request Form

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